The best Lecturer ever!!
Phew~~~ what a stressful day!! Not!! Hehehe.. I guess this week will probably be the most hectic week ever cause tons of assignments, projects, presentation, mid term exams are coming up next week thus preparation have gotta be made by this week itself. YOH!!! How to do so many things wor?? Don’t even know where to start. Never mind about that cause the Chinese saying “last minute hug Buddha’s leg” works pretty well on me previously so hopefully it works the same way too this time around.
The secret of Success!!
Today’s post is actually dedicated to my Medical Imaging lecturer. I swear I never had any lecturer like him before. He has his own style not to mention the way he delivers his knowledge. Basically I think he is blessed with great leadership skill without doubt that he has the ability to guide each and everyone of us into misery. MCB!! His lecture is damn torturing. I fucking swear that I’ve never lasted more than 10 minutes in his imaging classes. His classes are nothing more than a very effective hypnotizing session. Gosh!! I gotta admit that he has a very unique style of his own and guess what makes him unique?? He mumbles throughout the whole lecture session which u could hardly catch a single thing he’s trying to deliver. I bet there isn't any lecturer like him elsewhere other than the famous UTAR.
Best Lecturer Ever!!
Oh yeah!! By the way~~ I have absolutely no idea why some of the lecturers who came back form overseas speak English like crap?? Im not saying that they have bad English but it’s weird when some of them returned from the UK and try to speak in some sorta Not-so-British accent which makes the whole sentence sounded really weird. Example: instead of pronouncing paper “PAPER”, they pronounce it as “PEPPER” . Weird huh?? Lol..